We invite you to read any of the following Testimonials in which our clients describe, in their own words, the kinds of problems Gagnon Associates has helped them solve and the results we have helped them achieve:

“I find these to be distinctive traits and ones that make my experiences with Gagnon Associates beneficial: You have a way of driving for results that address the issues. You have the ability to utilize the synergies of a group to bring out the best in the group. I need that kind of consulting support as the leader of a change initiative.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I’ll end with what I see as the major difference between Gagnon Associates and other consultants I’ve worked with: you wanted us to learn the process. You retained no secrets to assure future employment. You measure your success by the independence of your client.
The result of this is clear, and my new role is the most visible proof. This year, thanks to your training, we will be assuming more of the responsibility for implementing “30/60/90” ourselves so that we can continue to reap the change-acceleration and productivity benefits at less cost to Joy.
Thanks again to you and your Associates for making us a quicker, more productive –and more self-sufficient – business organization looking to the future.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I’d like to focus primarily on the benefits of the Strategic Planning Process to the leadership of the company, that is, to me as CEO and to my leadership team. First, my top-line statement would be that I gained valuable insights that encouraged me to change my style and approach to leading the company.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“We had just completed a major acquisition in Europe that almost doubled the size of the Company. We were in the beginning of the process of not only combining our businesses – one in North America and the other in Europe – but, since the entire senior management team of the European business stayed on to continue to run the business, we also needed to meld together two very different cultures, while determining how to create value.
“Of importance to me as CEO was the opportunity that the Strategic Planning Process provided for this new, global senior management team to work together and become more comfortable with each other. By the end of our last planning session, each of the executives who participated truly believed they had played an important role in developing our new Strategic Plan and that their voice had been heard and respected.
“In this context, Gagnon Associates’ involvement with Noble was invaluable.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“Because the Plan was created by an inclusive group of stakeholders, initial group buy-in was unusually strong. In addition, the change in culture that was driven by the fact that the Plan held specific individuals accountable for targets and dates associated with it created a greater sense of focus throughout the organization. Moreover, it made annual work plan reviews easier, since much of that work was already built into the Strategic Plan. It is no exaggeration to say that this Strategic Plan has changed the already strong culture of our organization for the better.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“Since this was a process that directly involved employees in helping us find better ways to do the work they are closest to every day, Gagnon Associates worked with and through cross-functional, problem-solving teams of LCU people. As a result, this process broke down silos within the company, and improved teamwork and collaboration across the credit union. Just as importantly, perhaps, it has brought understanding among our people of how changes they make can impact other areas of the credit union and, based on this, how important it is to share information/policy/process changes across functions. In short, it has made us a more aware and better-functioning team as an organization.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“Ray pushed me continually out of my comfort zone (I had never really been pushed by anyone like this before) and forced me to think more strategically. Building my goals, many of which have defined measurements attached to them, is ensuring accountability for future concrete results from me as well as from my entire team.
“. . . Ray’s coaching . . . has allowed me to have a stronger personal focus, and, as a result, I feel, to be a stronger, more direct leader. . . . All in all it was clearly an amazing experience, and I would strongly recommend him to anyone considering the need for coaching or leadership training.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I’m writing this because, as a very satisfied client, I want you to have some tangible proof of how strongly I feel your recent coaching engagement with [Coaching Subject*] has contributed to his performance. I can’t tell you how noticeable the changes in him have been to me, to David [Lauren], to his peers, and to Lewis since he has been working with you. It is everything from attitude to approach to behavior, and it is so encouraging. We have also seen a tremendous change in his general level of self awareness.
“He has a clearer sense of his role, of the expectations for his position, and of his responsibility to his peers and his team. He has dug into his role with an entirely new energy and approach in a way that has been both surprising and delightful.”
*Name withheld to preserve client privacy. … Read the full Testimonial »

“It’s been a little over a year since you led us through the Strategic Planning Process and a good time, therefore, to review with you and assess the value and impact of the Planning Process for us at Orvis. Fittingly, my first comment is a strategic one. The fact that your process enabled us to” … Read the full Testimonial »

“As I’m sure you recall, the situation we faced when we first engaged you was, for us, unprecedented and unusually challenging: We needed to build consensus within our management team for developing a plan that would result in a new vision after losing our Founder of 41 years. This would be no small accomplishment. We” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I . . . want to note that working with Gagnon Associates has been a real pleasure. Your business focus to Strategic Planning, your skills in facilitation and the advance preparation you demand of yourselves make planning sessions the most productive I have ever experienced in my career.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I personally used the [GE Work-Out] Process, as delivered by Gagnon Associates, from 1995 to 1997 in the Asia Pacific Region. We used the Process in Asia Pacific to bring greater transparency to our supplier relationships and to support a seamless working method within our Supply Chain.
“Within two years, we conducted over 20 sessions, giving double-digit % savings from every event.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I had the chance to ‘walk the talk’ in the last few days and asked people about the session. The fire in their eyes was the best response. They felt that the team experience working on the solution together was great and that the result of the session was a great reward. I think we” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I personally used the Town Meeting Process, as delivered by Gagnon Associates, from 1995 to 1997 in the Asia Pacific Region. We used the Process in Asia Pacific to bring greater transparency to our supplier relationships and to support a seamless working method within our Supply Chain.
“Within two years, we conducted over 20 sessions, giving double-digit % savings from every event.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“You are an extraordinary listener who not only hears what we tell you but who also processes it and uses it to inform everything you do for us.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“The Strategic Planning Process provided clarity and concreteness to our goals, strategies, and timetables. It also created a bond that brought my group together both as a new business as well as a team. Most importantly, your process allowed me to create a real sense of commitment within our group that has helped us survive a volatile business environment. To this day, we still speak the “language” established in that first strategy session over a year ago.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“Your most valuable contribution was helping the senior executives involved to identify the operating principles of their company, to think through their objectives and key business processes and to confront how they, themselves, interact with each other to make all aspects of managing the company more productive. The sessions we held and the guidelines we established did create a change in the behavior and the culture of Financo such that our senior people were more understanding and supportive of their peers and more willing to respect other views.” … Read the full Testimonial »

This advertising executive reflects on Gagnon Associates’ consulting support to a critical and delicate organizational integration challenge: Some time ago we asked for your help in re-chartering, aligning and mobilizing our newly-reorganized Ralph Lauren Advertising function here at Polo. It has been five months now since the last of the interventions you designed and conducted … Read the full Testimonial »

“I personally used the Town Meeting Process, as delivered by Gagnon Associates, in the Asia Pacific Region for Philips Consumer Electronics. We used the Process to bring greater transparency to our supplier relationships and to support a seamless working method within our Supply Chain. These Town Meetings proved to be a key success factor in our integral approach to Supply Chain Management.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“I’ll end with what I see as the major difference between Gagnon Associates and other consultants I’ve worked with: you wanted us to learn the process. You retained no secrets to assure future employment. You measure your success by the independence of your client.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“This year, thanks to your training, we will be assuming more of the responsibility for implementing “30/60/90” ourselves so that we can continue to reap the change-acceleration and productivity benefits at less cost to Joy.” … Read the full Testimonial »

“We reduced our gearcase rebuild cycle time by approximately 30% — from 60 to 40 days. Conservatively, we estimate this to be worth $400,000 in cost reduction due to reduced labor hours, rework, and JIT inventory.” … Read the full Testimonial »

As you know, I’ve been running Trout Unlimited for 12 years, a period of time that has included the development of three strategic plans. Yet I can say I have never had a better sense that senior management and volunteer leaders were more committed or engaged. This time around, it’s so strong it’s almost palpable. … Read the full Testimonial »

Creating the Company’s Core Values, Mission, and Vision along with the corresponding Goals, Strategies and Tactics provided our Company with the “Play Book” which, after one year, every Associate now understands and embraces. For once, everyone in the organization is on the same page, from the executive level to the hourly Associate. … Read the full Testimonial »

The most important quantifiable result from our work with Gagnon Associates is the existence of a well-considered, well-debated, well-written Strategic Plan complete with Goals, Strategies and Tactics. We have identified executive sponsors, project managers, timelines, and follow-up mechanisms. Best of all, the entire plan is embraced across multiple levels of our organization. … Read the full Testimonial »