Seeing Organizational Change as a Process
Though not as concrete as a production line, not as quantifiable as a budgeting process, not as tangible as a supply-chain, the dynamic of organizational change, like other business processes and systems, is subject to certain “laws” and principles. It can be optimized if managed according to certain best-practices. And it must be managed as such in order to ensure quality “outputs.”
We help clients accelerate positive change in their organizations by working with them to ensure that their important change initiative is managed consistent with the widely-acknowledged and fundamental phases of any effective change management process:
Building Your Organization’s Residual Change-Management Skill
In addition to providing organizational change management consulting services in support of a specific change initiative, we also help clients build their own change-management capability for the long term via our “Change Management: Principles and Practices” Program.
Reflecting our “action learning” bias, this is not a theoretical, academic, training experience. Rather, it is a hands-on, multiple-day workshop in which participants apply solid, proven, change theory to their own real-world organizational change management project. As a result, they produce outputs they can apply directly back on the job to more effectively manage a current change-management challenge.
The “Program ‘Map’” pictured below, illustrates not only the workshop phases, but also the tools provided and the outputs that result:

“I can honestly say I have never seen a change this significant or “strategic” go quite as well as this one.” ... Read the full Testimonial »

“This year, thanks to your training, we will be assuming more of the responsibility for implementing “30/60/90” ourselves so that we can continue to reap the change-acceleration and productivity benefits at less cost to Joy.” ... Read the full Testimonial »