We are a seasoned network of veteran practitioners whose consulting expertise is informed by previous solid corporate management experience as well.
A decision to hire Gagnon Associates assures you that the senior-level consultants who contract with you at the outset of an engagement will be the same professionals working side-by-side with you to implement it effectively.
Characteristic of our approach is a strong emphasis on the achievement of measurable business results in accelerated timeframes. We are practitioners of the “action-learning” method, whereby clients acquire techniques and tools to improve business results while actually engaged in solving real business problems. As a result, we help clients build capabilities in their organizations that can continue to benefit their businesses long after a given consulting engagement is over.

“I’ll end with what I see as the major difference between Gagnon Associates and other consultants I’ve worked with: you wanted us to learn the process. You retained no secrets to assure future employment. You measure your success by the independence of your client.” ... Read the full Testimonial »