We invite you to read the following testimonials from a CEO and two COO clients of our Strategic Planning Process. For more information, please see our Strategic Planning Core Capability.

"It’s been a little over a year since you led us through the Strategic Planning Process and a good time, therefore, to review with you and assess the value and impact of the Planning Process for us at Orvis. Fittingly, my first comment is a strategic one. The fact that your process enabled us to" ... Read the full Testimonial »

"As I’m sure you recall, the situation we faced when we first engaged you was, for us, unprecedented and unusually challenging: We needed to build consensus within our management team for developing a plan that would result in a new vision after losing our Founder of 41 years. This would be no small accomplishment. We" ... Read the full Testimonial »

“Because the Plan was created by an inclusive group of stakeholders, initial group buy-in was unusually strong. In addition, the change in culture that was driven by the fact that the Plan held specific individuals accountable for targets and dates associated with it created a greater sense of focus throughout the organization. Moreover, it made annual work plan reviews easier, since much of that work was already built into the Strategic Plan. It is no exaggeration to say that this Strategic Plan has changed the already strong culture of our organization for the better.” ... Read the full Testimonial »