We invite you to read the following representative case study, taken from our client files. For more information on the approach used to achieve these results, please see our GE Work-Out Core Capability.
Case Study: Non-Value-Added Work Elimination/Simplification, Pharmaceuticals
THE COMPANY: Over-the-counter division of a global, European-based pharmaceuticals firm.
THE PROBLEM: New Operating Unit Head for a European country/division is frustrated by non-value-adding, legacy practices and procedures that sap organizational time and resources, are adversely affecting morale and actually resulting in the departure of key talent. Traditionally bureaucratic cultural norms also pose a barrier to change and improvement. ... Read the full Case Study »

“I had the chance to ‘walk the talk’ in the last few days and asked people about the session. The fire in their eyes was the best response. They felt that the team experience working on the solution together was great and that the result of the session was a great reward. I think we" ... Read the full Testimonial »