This CEO reflects on the support he received from Gagnon Associates in strategic plan development:
As you know, I’ve been running Trout Unlimited for 12 years, a period of time that has included the development of three strategic plans. Yet I can say I have never had a better sense that senior management and volunteer leaders were more committed or engaged. This time around, it’s so strong it’s almost palpable.
For me this is directly related to how you conducted our planning Conferences. You score high marks from me with respect to helping us achieve clarity and consensus on our Goals, and a vastly higher quality decision-making process — both with regard to the plan, itself, and the large operational decisions that will be needed to implement it. And you were especially effective with fostering a true collaboration among our senior managers and our volunteer leaders.
You also deserve credit for the way you managed this project. Written follow-up and analysis at every stage were first rate. There was also just the right balance between standardized consultant technique and hunkering down to plow through and understand our culture and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Most impressive was the sense of commitment to this engagement; we never felt in the least that our business was less important than that of another client. Indeed, the whole process benefited tremendously from the focus and the high level of personal attention you brought to his work for us.
Thanks much for your help in getting us to this point.